Outsourcing for Law Firms

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Digital marketing for lawyers

Is your law firm taking full advantage of the benefits of digital transformation?

«Especially in times of macroeconomic uncertainty when budgets are under pressure, marketing and finance teams must work together even more closely to effectively deploy resources and maximize ROI». This is recommended by Google in one of its latest articles on digital transformation. 

> See digital marketing article here.

Digital transformation of your law firm goes beyond an attractive website and social media posts.

An efficient online marketing plan that makes law firms grow and operate better must include STRATEGY and then:

Here’s how to structure a digital marketing activity plan for law firms.

Reach the right people, in the right place, at the right time

The first step is to be clear about the profile of the client you want to serve, you must know what issues they are interested in related to their legal problems and how they are looking for your services.

The second step is to know your competitors. Research their website, social media, news letter, YouTube channel and Google Business listing.

With this research you will know how other lawyers attract clients and you will recognize opportunities to optimize your marketing strategy in your law firm.

Consider how they use the tone of communication, the topics they talk about, the experience on their website, contact channels such as whatsapp or messenger.

Third, invite professionals from other areas to provide feedback on your digital marketing strategy for law firms.

There are marketing plans that adapt to your budget, you can hire from a consultant to a full support plan to manage the marketing of your law firm.

Where to start?

At LAUNCH Legal Solutions we recommend our clients to first have a website optimized in content that solves client’s doubts, clearly shows the benefits of your law firm and is attractive to the user.

The website is relevant because that is where you receive the best quality lead traffic. The website receives traffic from Google, social networks and other sites that can link to yours. With the website you can achieve to appear in Google when your client is looking for your services, see more about «Law firm SEO» here.

In addition, there are many free tools to optimize and measure the performance of your website to improve their experience always.

Digital marketing for small law firms

Digital marketing is for everyone. 

Getting started is easy, we recommend small law firms to document their professional life.

If your budget is limited, get your team together and ask them to share their challenges, accomplishments and recommendations for clients and other lawyers on your digital media.

For example, a personal injury attorney digital marketing strategy can start with creating a blog that solves questions that users ask on Google.

What does a personal injury attorney do?

The key to success in a digital marketing strategy for lawyers is consistency.

If you really want to see results, you must commit to your plan and coordinate with your team to make it happen every day.


The content you generate in your blog posts will be shared in small content topics on social networks.

Invite your social media followers to read the full article on your blog.

Digital marketing for family law firms

The scope of your marketing strategy will depend on your creativity and budget.

The budget should not stop you.

In family law firms there are different team members and success will be achieved by having an efficient organization.

Assign a project manager to follow up on the marketing activities in your law firm. This position should coordinate the members of the firm to generate the defined content in time and distribute it on the website, social networks and Google Business.


In a first stage, they can develop the position by allocating time and budget for training, with the objective that this team member will guide the growth of the law firm through their marketing strategies.

Later, you can grow your marketing team by outsourcing design, web design, video production, client service and document translation.

Outsourcing digital marketing for lawyers

If you are already at this stage and are looking for a professional team to complement your team, learn about our customer service and marketing outsourcing plans.

Digital marketing services for law firms

The services you can outsource in your marketing and administrative support area are:

Digital marketing consultant for attorneys

Remember that consulting is more than an interview with a marketing specialist.

Participate in free online and in-person trainings organized by specialized digital marketing platforms such as Hubspot, Think whit Google, LinkedIn learning and Ahrefs.

Lawyers who develop their marketing skills will achieve a superior competitive position in their industry.

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